2 Search Results for

label/the bee

About Me: Who is Rachée?

By May 29, 2013 No Comments

Who is Rachée?  (rachee@sayitrahshay.com) Yes, Rah-shay. Maybe Ruh-shay. But not Ruh-chey. Rah-chee, Ray-shay. Not Rachel. Not Roxanne. Rachée. Say it, “Rah-shay.” This space has evolved since I started blogging many moons ago. I write a little but about a lot of things but lately I have been writing the most about running and Chronic Kidney Disease. About running: You can read…

Brace(less) Face: Getting the right fit with @Invisalign #ad

After getting x-rays and examined by the orthodontist we learned that The Bee has congenitally missing teeth as well as severe crowding, making her a perfect candidate for braces. Pricing options were provided for both traditional braces and Invisilign. We have been weighing our options when it comes to our final decision but I had an opportunity to attend a meet and greet with…